Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day 1

I loaded to Couch to 5K to my phone. I really need to get my base run back on track and thought this might be a good way. So, at 3 am I strapped on my trusty Asics and headed to the track. I turned on my "Shoop" channel on Pandora and started off. It has you do a 5 minute brisk walk for a warm-up. The next 20 minutes consist of 1 minute of running and 1:30 of walking. It ends with a 3:30 cool-down walk. I got in just under 2.25 miles. Not bad, but not great. But, I didn't hate it. I will say that I like how I can run the programs simultaneously. The running program beeps and tells me when to do what and doesn't interrupt my music. And, because I am little on the crazy side I will also being doing my 1 hour Zumba class at 9:30.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

OK, Enough is Enough

I have been hanging around in this funk for way too long. I have been trying to force myself to run and don't drag myself out of the house. I'm finished with it all. Enough wallowing in self-pity. It's time to get out.

I was getting in the shower today and happened to catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. It wasn't pretty. Now, I have never been a skinny person. Even at my thinnest, skinny is not a word to describe me. I have always been curvy and squishy. But, I think I am now beyond squishy and curvy. For the first time in a long time I really didn't like what I saw. It really sunk it that I have been off track for way too long.

So, today I wave goodbye to "FunkyTown". I have inhabited it long enough. I have made a list of local races that I am going to try to run in for 2011. For those of you that don't know (which since I only currently have 5 followers it isn't saying much), I have been offered a position as a police officer for the city in which I currently work. That means attending the police academy. At my,ahem, advanced age I want to make sure that I can keep up with all the young ones. So, that just adds to my motivation. I may end up being the oldest in my class, but the HELL if I am going to be the fattest and slowest.

So if any of you have any good training plans, send them my way. I have researched and researched and my eyes are starting to cross. I also need diet information. I don't have the financial means to try Jenny Craig or Sensa or anything of the sort. I need something that is easy to stick to and that I can incorporate into my life of raising three kids and working third shift.

Today is a new day for me. Please help me by being my kick in pants. Bug me every day and ask what I've eaten or if I am piling my miles. Hound me on Facebook. I will try to get hubs to take a before picture of me. No worries, clothes will be on. October 9th is closer than I think and I plan on rocking it at Prairie Fire.