Saturday, June 11, 2011

Going the Distance

I've decided it's time to get off my duff and actually sign up for a race instead of just perusing the race calendar. So, next Saturday morning I will be running in not only my first real race of the year, but my first 8K. I think I must be crazy. But, I figure I need to get out there and push myself. I won't run the whole thing, I will tell you that much right now. There will be lots of walking and lots of slowness. I'm ok with it, though. I am still determined to get my 12 races in 12 months goal. I only have until Race for the Cure in September.

If you are looking for a neat app for your smartphone, I have started using NOOM. I don't care for the diet/food portion, but I do like the workout stuff. It even tracks me at the track.

Have a good week and hopefully I will have a decent race report to make, and not one made by my hubs that says they found me on the side of the road!