Saturday, October 30, 2010

Just Do It!

OK, so it's a little cliche'. And probably copyrighted. But, it works. I've had several people ask me, "How do I get started?" That is a hard question to answer. We all have our own reasons for starting (or stopping) an exercise program. My reasons won't be your reasons. We may have similar inspirations, but when it comes down to it, it is a personal choice.

Why did I start? I wanted this year to be a year of change for me. I set out all gung-ho and was doing my "Shred" quite often. I was starting to see and feel a difference. Then, I got hurt. (No, not doing Shred.) When I wanted to start back up, I got sick. Pretty soon I was out of the habit and finding a hard time getting into the groove. Finally, I decided it was time. Then, I end up in the hospital with emergency surgery and 6-8 weeks of recovery. I just couldn't catch a break. I was hitting a low and having a hard time finding my way out. (Self pity will do that to you. It's kind of like weight, easy to put on and not so easy to get rid of.) But, I was hit with a wake-up call. A long-time friend and fellow dispatcher sent around an email that made me realize my troubles were nothing. a dispatcher's young wife had been diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. She is in her late 20's with two young children. She'd already gone through a double mastectomy. They were facing very large medical bills and didn't have a way to pay them. There was to be a 3K walk/run which proceeds went to help. How could I say no? So, I took my shorts and tennis shoes to work one night and hit the track on my lunch. Boy, was I slow. When I finished, I was red-faced and sweaty and looking like maybe I was due for another ambulance ride. But you know what? I survived. And I went out the next night. Pretty soon, I wasn't so red and winded. I didn't feel like dying every time I climbed back into my car. So, I started adding in some jogging. I couldn't do much, but I kept trying. And, I was starting to enjoy it. (Weird, especially for me.) Soon after the 3K walk I did a 4 mile walk. Then I did my first 5K, then a few more. I am still working on lots of things, though. Consistency is a HUGE thing I need to work on. Outside the race for Casey Albers, I needed to get fit. I was developing health problems that needed nipped in the bud. Casey just gave me the start I needed.

My point is, this is my story. It isn't everyone's story. I was never a runner growing up. I was an athlete. However,there isn't a large calling for middle-age, overweight gymnasts. Well, there might be but it probably has to do with some crazy fetish stuff that I'm just not in to. (Now, ask me this 14 months from now when I am out of a job and I may sing a different tune.)

If you want to go out and do this, do it. What is it going to hurt? Take a brisk walk around your neighborhood. Hit the track at the football field. Don't do it just once and think it isn't for you. Be willing to go a little out of your comfort zone. You can always go back in. If you decide it might be for you, look into one of the "Couch Potato to 5K" programs. You can search them on line and find one that works for you. Or, join Team in Training and commit to a race. Have a mentor guide you through. As adults, we don't have to be pigeon-holed to just being a mall-walker or an occassional golfer. Show your kids and yourself that you can be a late-in-life athlete. Find your reason, your insiration and DO IT!!!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 3...Another Run

Are you tired of me yet? I get tired of myself. I have a feeling I won't be posting every day, so don't worry.

Yesteday didn't go as planned. Instead of Jillian whooping my ass into shape, I napped. Then had something come up and ended up on TV. No, not really in a good way, but not the America's Most Wanted way, either. So, I guess yesterday was a day of rest. We all need those.

Today will be a walk/run day. I will do 2.5 miles of walk/run. Yes, I can normally run the whole thing. However, I am sticking to the training program and also doing it with someone who hasn't run in a while. Doing it this way is a good way to build up my lung capacity and my endurance. We do a 2/1 split with running 2 minutes/walking 1 minute.

Remember me saying on Day One where I felt like I needed to do more? (Did I? Maybe I need to go read it again.) Anyway, as I was at home that night, Hubs decided he wanted to run. I was a little shocked. So, I strapped on my shoes and went out with him. (Note to the wise: Don't run after eating a large meal..ugh) We did almost a mile and I felt pretty good.

I am trying to get my race calendar put together. I will post it soon. If anyone wants to run with me, let me know! I don't compete against anyone but myself.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 2...XT

XT=cross train. On days I am not running/walking I am supposed to find some other activity to do. Since my gym membership hasn't kicked in, my options at home are few. Today, I will do the dreaded "Shred". My body cringes just typing it. For those that don't know what I am talking about, it is Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. It is an intense 20 minute workout (plus warm-up and cool-down) where she works your abs, strength and cardio. It's amazing how much sweat I produce! I haven't done it in (cough, cough) several months. So, I am procrastinating. But, I know I will feel better once it's over.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 1...DONE! (and an intro)

Welcome to my running blog. I don't know if anyone will actually read it, but it's here as a way for me to stay accountable. I also want to track my journey. I say journey because this isn't just a short road trip. I am a late-in-life runner. I have sat on tukus, eaten lots of junk food, had 5 pregnancies and 3 kids and been generally unhealthy since high school. So, this whole running thing is new to me. I never thought I'd enjoy it. I used to tell people, "I only run if someone is chasing me" or "I'd rather roll around in broken glass than workout." Not the best attitude. But this year has been different for me. I don't know WHY this year out of my other 32 years of life. But, God spoke to me and told me to get up and get with it. And, for the first time in a long time I listened. I'm not fast and I'm not pretty, but I am out there doing it. I have had friends join me along the way and we are making it fun. So, welcome.

Day 1 consisted of a 2 mile run/walk. It was supposed to be run 2 minutes/walk 1, but it was my friend's first day out so I let her control when we did what. Funny, when we got done I still felt like I needed to do more. But, I want to do this the right way. Tomorrow is a cross training day. I am thinking either biking or Shred.