Saturday, November 13, 2010

Self Pity=Fat?

If you read one my first entries, I compared self pity to fat. How they both just kind of stick to you. Well, that's where I was; letting the self pity stick to me. You know what? It isn't worth it and the only way to get rid of it is to shake it off. Or in this case, run it off. God was speaking and I needed to listen. The littles stayed the night at Mimi's house. Big was a friends and hubs was sick. He gave me a night to straighten up. Once everyone was settled, I decided to go for a run. It wasn't a long one, just a mile and a half. But, it was what I needed. I did better than I thought I would. My time wasn't great, but it wasn't terrible. My endurance was WAY better than it was the other day. (Note to self: don't try to run after 3 hours of sleep and working an 8 hour overnight shift.) Nights like tonight when it is calm and peaceful reminds me of why I like to run. It creates a peace in me that I tend to push aside when dealing with everyone's emergencies.

The annual Turkey Trot is a week from today. I remember watching my dad run in it when I was young. My 5yo is running it this year. He might beat me, but I don't mind. He is starting this running thing young, and maybe that's a good thing. :)

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