Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Fork in the Road

Last week I hit a fork in my training. I was doing well on my 21-day plan, but the fork got in the way. On Friday I took my physical agility test for police officer. Yeah...not in as good of shape as I thought. I still passed (yay me!), but not by much. I was told afterwards that I needed to work on sprints and weight training, especially for my upper body. Well, crap. I wanted to train for distances longer than a block. So, now I don't know what to do. I know I need to sprint and I need to increase my upper body strength so I don't get injured at the academy. I don't want to be bulky, though. I still want to practice my distance running, too. Ugh! Why does someone have to throw down a damn fork in the middle of my road???

Monday, February 14, 2011

Starting Over

SUCKS!!! That is all. Continue on with your day.

Creating a Habit

So, I have been slacking. I keep finding one reason or another to not go to the gym or do a video at home. Time to snap out of it! I have read that it only takes 21 days to create a habit. Hmm...there are so many directions I could go with that. I don't imagine that it would take me 21 days of eating cookies to make it a habit. I know for sure that back in my bad girl smoking days it didn't take 21 days for me to form a habit. So, if it is so danged easy to form a habit for bad things, why am I finding it so hard to form this good habit??? So, here and now I am setting a goal. I WILL exercise for the next 21 days. And, it will be for at least half an hour (but hopefully more). If we have another "Blizzard of Oz", I will do my Shred. If the ground isn't frozen, I will get my butt outside and off the freaking dreadmill. If the weather is crappy, I will learn to appreciate the dreadmill. I will learn to embrace the senior citizens at the gym; the ones who take up the already too small track and the old man who stares at my ass while I am on the elliptical. I hope that when I am their age I am still out and as for the old man, at least SOMEONE is staring at my ass. (And NOT pointing and laughing. Or maybe he is. I choose to think not.) And really, what is 212 days? It's less than a month. And if I am ever going to compete in a half marathon, hitting the gym once or twice a week just won't cut it. I have been checking out the local race calendars and started making my "wishlist". But right now those 5K's even look daunting. But I have a feeling that if I make it these 21 days, it'll be the push I need. Oh...and more to come on a possible half marathon. Get ready to break out your checkbooks!